
Beginners Drawing Course

  • Talks & Art Courses

Sat 10 Feb - 13 April 2024 (excl. 16 and 30 March); 1.30pm-3.30pm

Booking essential

Fee: €175 Book

These drawing sessions cater for the complete beginner and for those who may want to refresh their skills.


Beginners Drawing 8 week course 

Saturdays 10 February  – Saturday 13 April 2024 (excl. 16 and 30 March); 1.30pm-3.30pm

This eight week course  led by artist Ashleigh Downey caters for the complete beginner and for those who may want to refresh their skills. Each week a different aspect is considered such as texture, colour, tone, perspective, scale and looking at negative space with the drawn line as the main focus. Through various observational exercises and experimental mark-making we will explore different ways to develop our hand-eye coordination.

Fee: €175 and materials provided. Advance booking required via Eventbrite

What's On

Explore our extraordinary collection of modern and contemporary art through our online collection.

Big Bird Niki de Saint Phalle 1982