
Draw it by Ear – Listening and Drawing session for adults

  • Talks & Art Courses

Saturday 22 February 2025

Booking essential

Fee: €8 Book

Join a listening and drawing session for adults with artist Renata Pekowska and composer Dr Andy Ingamells.

This session invites audiences to draw while listening to music and sounds. It encourages audiences to join in and explore participatory ways of active, focused and engaged listening. The session aims to look at mark making as a way of visual, attentive response to sound. The event considers sound to image (and back!) processes. It will include a performance and a short introduction to graphic scores by Andy Ingamells, and drawing activities and prompts led by Renata Pękowska.

Dr Andy Ingamells is an experimental musician and composer. He is a lecturer in experimental composition at the MTU Cork School of Music https://andyingamells.com/

Renata Pękowska is a visual artist and currently a Research Ireland scholar PhD researcher at TU Dublin. https://ectlab.eu/member/renata-pekowska/

Booking essential

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Mrs Lavery Sketching Sir John Lavery 1910