
BOOKED OUT: Drawing the Breeze – for 4-6 year olds

  • Families & Young People

Saturday 20 May 2023
2.30 - 3.30pm

Free Book

A workshop for 4-6 year olds with artist Helen Barry for National Drawing Day


Using Richard Gorman’s beautiful paintings as the starting point participants in this workshop will be guided by artist Helen Barry to explore the world of colour and shapes through drawing, movement, collage and painting as they create a colourful installation that blows in the breeze.

Booking essential.

NB Numbers for this workshop are limited so if you book a ticket but you can no longer attend, please cancel the ticket so that another child can take their place.

Parents accompany children for this workshop.

ONE ticket covers one parent/caregiver AND one child.


What's On

Explore our extraordinary collection of modern and contemporary art through our online collection.

Wall of Light Orange Yellow Sean Scully 2000